The Formula For A Successful-ish Creative Life

I like driving. A decade ago, it was the only way to enjoy a cheeky smoke. Now I like it for the simultaneous peace and quiet and loud music.
When I’m driving, I’m alone but I’m also not on guard. No child waking in the night, no call I have to answer. I'm not expected to do anything. Sure, I need to watch for road signs and not hit people, but that’s part of driving: the one task I'm responsible for in that moment.
As long as my car is in motion, I don’t have to do anything else. I'm in control of my time and destination, even if I have no idea what my destination should be.
As long as I am in motion, I don’t have
or the expectation
... to do anything else.
I have never in my 36 years been still. Wouldn’t I rather work on 700 things at once, get nowhere and remain unfulfilled with all of them? “At least I tried!” Is that trying? I can’t imagine anything worse than stillness. And it’s the one task I can’t seem to start. How does one “work on” stillness? Isn’t “working on it” defeating the purpose?
Recently, I’ve been feeling especially burnt out with my breakneck speed. I’ve been trying to rest more and it’s been going like this:
Yesterday I stumbled on this video by Dan Koe about his formula for accomplishing what you want in life and in your work. You should watch the whole thing, but the gist is you need to build in time every day — even 5, 10, 15 mins — for three things: creativity, productivity, and deep work.
Doing those three things every day will move you toward your goal(s). Real productivity is that simple.
It’s not an earth-shattering concept but as he says, you’ll never arrive at the life you want without taking steps, even small ones, to get there. Additionally, he gives clear examples and strategies for actually implementing this into your life, even if you’re super busy. Highly recommended watching.
But that brings me to something I’ve been thinking about for awhile: Goals.
I have short-term goals. Fine. But big ones? Dreams? Aspirations? Err, not so much. Or, at least not based in reality (I'm not Emily in Paris, just Michelle in an overpriced housing market).
How do you set big life goals — the vision Dan talks about in the video — when you don’t know what the flippin' flapjack you want?
I’m still figuring this out and I’d love to hear a) if you’ve also struggled with this, and b) if you’ve found a way to figure out what you want. Hit reply and tell me (or DM on social), if you feel so inclined. :)
I do know that building in time for creativity, productivity, and deep work can only help me, no matter what my goal ends up being. Deep work especially, though that often doesn't happen every day. I’m sure the other busy parents, and others who can’t control all their own time, out there can relate.
But some action, sometimes is always better than nothing, ever.
(That could also be interpreted in a rather spicy way, lol)
Do you know where your life is heading?
If so, do you like it?
Or are you trying to change course?
Or do you find it peaceful to not know, and see what comes up along the way?
Are you trusting things will happen, or do think the journey matters much more than the destination?
I feel like an 👽 questioning Earthlings.
Whatever your goals are (or aren’t), and however you’re trying to build those dreams (or not), I wish you the best success. And I appreciate you letting me into your inbox as I figure out my own creative life, and hopefully, help your creative life with tips along the way, too.
Now go do some deep work 😉
-- Michelle
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😎 Tip o’ the mornin’ to ya
Looking for a great way to fill up your noggin with knowledge but no time to get to the library? I recently found Libby, a free app that you log into with your local library card number, and you can checkout e-books, audio books, and other digital resources and read them right inside the app. (Take that, 17 year old overdue fees.)
Not sure if it works everywhere, but it seems like a lot of areas in the US and Canada, for sure (and elsewhere too). "Check it out (lolz)
📎 Weekly workspace
The last two three weeks were full of unexpected moments, including daycare interruptions, my husband being away, and unexpected injuries (everyone's ok!). Oy. So when I finally got some dedicated time to work admist the shitstorm, what did I do? 🤦♀️ #PeakProductivityMode
What is it about that little red 1 that coerces me to update with such urgency?! Can you ignore the little red numbers, or are you an instant-updater too?
💰 Weird n' wonderful freelance gigs
Selected listings I believe could be a good fit. Unless noted, I have no personal connection with these companies and/or listings. Always do your due diligence when pitching and/or applying for a job.